Monday, August 30, 2010

A Secret Escape

Those who know me, even a little, also know that I'm not a person who can stay in Sweden for very long. I've said it before and I'll say it again; Sweden is wonderful, amazing really, but for me it's always at it's best when I can come visit while actually living elsewhere. And speaking of this "elsewhere". I unvoluntarily came back from Morocco in March this year. The plan was to stay for a month and then return. But then I got sick, and a lot of other things happening played its part to why I decided not to go back to Morocco at all.

I'm still sick. It's 05.26 in the morning and I haven't slept yet. My upper lip is swollen beyond recognition and as usual I'm worried that it will spread to my throat, which would mean yet another visit to the hospital. But, fact is that I do seem to get better. At least a bit. It's also possible that it's wishful thinking, but I really hope it's not. Either way, I can't stay in Sweden much longer, so I've started to plan for a secret escape!

When I get my student's loan, I will pack my books for school, some clothes, passport, camera and laptop (duh... what did you think?) and get on a plane somewhere south. I will not reveal anything else about this super secret location just yet, other than it's a place I've always wanted to visit and also had plans on doing so not too long ago.

I made Linda a promise not to go anywhere until Jamie is getting better after the surgery, and I intend to keep that promise. A promise is not something I give lightly. I'm aware that it might take some time, time that I probably need here in Sweden to get better myself anyways, but I'm already excited. 

For the thousand and eleventh time, I will start a new life.


Jo said...

Hi Maria;) thanks for stopping by my blog. Did you live in Khartoum city. Were you with an embassy? Will you come back. I'm sorry to hear you are ill and pray for your healing. Perhaps you're coming to North Africa? Greetings Jo (Khartoum)

Maria said...

Thanks for stopping by you too : )
I lived in Khartoum, moved around a bit. From Khartoum II to Amarat, back to Khartoum II, then to Jareef West and finally to Shejara before I left the country.

Maybe I'll be back in not too long. Planning on travelling some in Africa, but will of course need to save some money up first.

Keep in touch and maybe we'll bump into eachother in Khartoum sometime in the future!