Once a small Berber fishing village turned into a hippie paradise during the 1960's when Jimi Hendrix, and others passed through. Today this is where you come to surf. Apparently one of the best surfing points in Northwestern Africa that still has a lingering feeling of flower power and a constant faint smell of weed. This is Taghazout, with its blue wooden fishing boats that leaves for the open sea early in the morning and comes back at night, where the waves crashes against the cliffs between the beaches. This is where you drink your mint tea and read a good book, meet up with a friend or two and watch the sun go down with a fizzle in the Atlantic.
Although there isn't

much to do here unless you're either a surfer, smoker or both, it's hard not to like this place. It has an atmosphere that is uncomparable; everyone that comes here, no matter if it's an independent traveler, a family, a loving couple, an old fart or a peaceful traveler from the Rainbow Family; everybody loves it - and so do I. It's nice that it's close to the city, where I can get groceries that can't be found here, have a beer or just soak up the presence of a busy city.

I have to admit that I spend most part of the day indoors these days. It started with the rain which made me "forced" to study harder because there simply wasn't anything else to do. And then I got so used to it that I kinda forgot that I was in paradise and not stuck back home in Sweden where everything sucked. I have to change that, get out more, see more, do more. The trip me and Rachid were going to make during Christmas might happen one of these days instead. The rain season seems to be over for the most part and I would really enjoy the fresh air of the mountains for a couple of days. The study loan arrived today, but of course I have no access to it since my wallet got stolen, so no VISA. But perhaps dad can send them to me tomorrow and I'll be off in a day or two. Let's hope!
Hej Maria,
Av alla oväntade personer att kommentera din Tagazhout saga, nämligen en gammal "granne" från förr, före detta resident på Haby Persgård.(Japp, Louise Johannesson). Tänk vad vi lekte en gång i tiden och nu leker du utan mig i Marocko!
Jag är väldigt glad att du hittade rätt i livet, plats och partner. Till slut. Och Samtidigt.
Fortsätt skriv för jag läser! Din blogg är en verklighetsflykt om dagarna när jobbet är överväldigande och den svenska kylan är lite för närvarande. Kram.
Åh vad kul att höra ifrån dig. Hade tänkt skriva något på Facebook, men det blev liksom aldrig av. Tycker du ska komma hit och leka istället för att vara fast i den svenska kylan och blasket. Vad jobbar du med? Var bor du? Vad gör du och hur mår du? Tänker på dig emellanåt, bara så du vet!
Tack för att du hörde av dig!
I love this picture, very artistic!
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